Steal the 8th World Wonder for Effortless Progress on Your Goals

Vishnu Kumar
2 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Inês Pimentel on Unsplash

Compound your environment + micro-activities to make progress automatic.

As a human, your identity is constantly changing.

You’re steadily being molded by the inputs you let into your life: the media you consume, the people around you, the activities you do every day.

Most people have no idea this is happening.

But that allows you to slowly be shaped, day by day, the way a river slowly but surely carves out a canyon. You’re not in the driver’s seat.

In reality, this personal evolution is within your control. Use inevitable change to your advantage.

Intentionally control your environment and exert tiny bits of regular effort and you will slowly build positive life outcomes — automatically.

Let compounding work for you.

You can become the person you want to be by intentionally designing micro-activities and doing them regularly.

Make them painless to complete. It only takes 10-minutes of exercise, meditation, skill-building, etc. at a time.

Einstein said: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world”.

10 minutes here and there may not seem like a lot — but they add up over time.

The more positive micro-activities you can “stack”, the better the quality of your life will become.

Break your big work + life goals into micro-activities and do them every day. You’ll be surprised at the results.

Instead of asking “Who am I?”, ask “Who am I becoming?”

